Sunday, June 24, 2007

anxiety and hope

Tomorrow I return to work after a short break. Although feeling somewhat refreshed, I am not looking forward to it wholeheartedly. The other day walking to a parking lot surrounded by woods, I witnessed a deer and two fauns crossing the road. My heart was filled for a moment with brightness. I must allow myself to experience such feeling more often... daily... hourly... minute-by-minute. I am thankful for the wonders around me and I need to appreciate more. I take a step in the right direction by acknowledging this.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

loss of a wise one

now you see it
This tree has been a part of my backyard environment since I moved to my current home three years ago. It is very strange now that our neighbors have removed it... Just a few days ago we learned that it was to be taken down. The yard has a different feel - more sunlight, but definitely a loss.