Monday, May 22, 2006

The difference a year makes

At times the difference between “the young” and “the young +1” can be paper thin, while at other times it can be as large as the void between galaxies. At the moment it is certainly the latter as “the young” deal with the known (tackling problems already seen) and “the young +1” deal with the unknown (struggling with concepts that defy brains evolved in an apparently three-dimensional Universe). Questions for “the young” include: What does it mean to have a 1.5 volt battery? What does that tell me about the nature of electricity? Why is a 12 volt car battery more dangerous than the 3000 volts that I cause by shuffling my feet? Questions for “the young +1” include: What effect does speed have on time? Is it possible to visit a star 400 light-years away when the average human lifetime is below 80 years? What is the connection of gravity to time? The fact that time is not absolute and that a person’s relative motion places them within a different time stream is hard to grasp – perhaps even impossible for the mind to truly believe? The question that arises most from both groups: Will this be on the final?

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